Environment Settings

Environment Settings

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Environment Settings

This View is subdivided into three sections will be discussed in more detail below.


This section shows the general information about an Environment which can be configured.

These are:

  • a (generic) name for the Environment
  • a description for that Environment in prose
  • the Sending Strategy (default: Time Strategy, time=5000)
  • the Buffer Strategy (default: Simple Buffer)

Code Libraries

It's possible to define Code Libraries, where the user can provide either .class files or collections of them in .jar files.

This information is optional though. It is used as a helper when it comes to defining sensors. The information off this provided bytecode enables the feature of auto-completion when it comes to user input (package, class and method names). This information is also used for the Code Library Content Viewer, which will supply the user with a tree-like depiction of the added bytecode. There the user can just point and click on the desired package, class or method that has to be instrumented with inspectIT.

As a recurrent reminder: This setting is purely optional. The user can define sensors for the use with inspectIT without adding anything here.

Optional Sensor Types

Future and additional sensor types, like custom-made sensors for individual customers (like the VSA Marvin Sensor) or covering additional fields of interest can be added in this section.

The standard predefined method sensor types Timer, Average Timer, and Invocation Sequence won't show up here, but they are of course available at the Sensor Selection Dialog.