Configuration Area

Configuration Area

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Configuration Area

All settings which are configurable by the user can be changed in this area. For the user this should result in a clear understanding where the configuration is done within the Configuration Interface. Currently the Configuration Area can be used to configure:

The documentation on the Configuration Area will use the terms Area, View and Section. For further information on these terms please refer to the glossary.

Environment Settings

This view contains settings belonging to the whole environment. A general section contains communication settings, more precisely the send and buffer strategy, beside the name and description of the environment. Furthermore it's possible to include Code Libraries and Optional Sensor Types. Further information about the Environment Settings can be found here.

Sensor profile

All sensors can be defined within this view. Currently InspectIT provides method sensors, platform sensors and an exception sensor. For every type of sensor a separate section is available (please notice that in the draft there is no section for the exception sensor; the exception sensor will have an own tab like method and platform sensors). Future sensors are going to be integrated by adding new sections.
There are two more sections, one for showing the linkage between profiles, the other for configuring general settings of the Sensor Profile. Further information can be found here.

Agent Mapping Table

The agent receives exactly one sensor profile which will be used for the instrumentation of the application. So it is necessary to have a possibility to assign a sensor profile to an agent. This can be done via the Agent Mapping Table. More details can be found here.