

This page describes the steps that proved meaningful when starting out with inspectIT and for everyone that wants to either get in touch or even develop for inspectIT. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Help improve the documentation

The documentation is open for a reason. As soon as you are a contributor (basically you get yourself an user) you can edit most of the documentation. Please use this option to improve our documentation. If you have for example struggles with this guide, please improve it directly

Get yourself a registered user and ask to be added to the respective group

Getting yourself an inspectIT Atlassian user is simple. See Sign Up.

After you created this user, please request to be added to be most suitable (check the link) group. You do that by writing to either Ivan SenicPatrice Bouillet or Stefan Siegl

Playing around with inspectIT

We think that it is important to have a chance to experience inspectIT first hand before doing anything else. We have a bundled version of inspectIT available that comes with a sample application (the DVDStore). We also have included a few performance problems into this application and created a few guided exercises that you can use to get in touch with inspectIT.

Download the package: ftp://ntftp.novatec-gmbh.de/inspectit/demo/dvdstore_20141120_0815PM.zip

We believe that following our inspectIT Workshop will give you the best starting point.

Please feel free to browse the current Documentation , and also feel free to try out the things mentioned there. For example you can have a look at the agent configuration and/or at "Working with disc storage". Once again please take your time. This is time well spent as you understand inspectIT in more detail

Another thing that proved to be very good is to apply inspectIT to some projects that you know, be it the application you wrote for a students work or the application that you helped develop for your last customer. 

Get familiar with the tooling

Setup your development environment

Development Environment describes how to easily setup the environment. It includes a tutorial on how you get a GitHub account.

Development process

At Development Process (and subpages) we have some documentation on how the development on inspectIT works.

Planning and Releasing

Planning and Releases contains information on how we plan versions and how/when we release inspectIT.

Managing Grafana Dashboards

Grafana can be used to create dashboards and visualize data which has been collected using inspectIT. These dashboards are provided in the "Dashboard marketplace" on grafana.net.

In order to maintain these dashboards, create an account at grafana.net and request to be added to the inspectIT organization. For this purpose, write an e-mail containing your username to an admin user of the inspectIT organization.

Quick Introductions

The following presentations can be used to get a quick insight into the individual components.

Get in touch with the other developers


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