Download - Upload storage

Download - Upload storage


The storages are created on the Central Management Repository (CMR) and in most cases are residing on the CMR, because that is the easiest way to share the performance data among the team members. However, to explore a certain storage a running CMR is needed where the storage is located as well as the network connection to the same CMR. Since it is sometimes needed to analyse data without being connected to the CMR, there is a possibility to download complete storage to the local machine. This enables the user to explore the storage regardless of is the CMR is online or not. Once downloaded storage is available even when the original storage on the CMR is deleted. 

Only storage in the readable state can be downloaded.

One-click download

In the Storage Manager View there is a possibility to switch from the online available storages and the locally available storages. The online list will contain all storages on all CMRs that have been connected to. The local list will contain the downloaded storages, thus the ones that can be explored with no communication between local machine and CMR.

As you can see in the screen shots above, the 'Local CMR' has 3 storages, but locally there are no storages that are downloaded. With one-click we can start the Download Storage Wizard, either by clicking on the  Download Stoarge in the view menu or right-click menu.

In the wizard you need to select if the data should be compressed before downloading or not. Note that we suggest to always compress data if you use Internet or slow local network. Only if you are in the fast local network the suggestion would be to download with no compression, because the overhead to compress the data can be higher than sending bigger amount of data. If you are not sure which option to use, select the Yes option.

Amount of data in storage can be quite high. Sometimes storages grow up to several Gigabytes, so please be careful when deciding on compression option.

After download has been finished the storage will be available in the local storage list. The data will be loaded from local disk from now on.

Upload local storage to CMR

The same way storage can be transferred from CMR to local machine using the Download storage functionality, it is also possible to perform transfer in other way around - from local machine to CMR. The only prerequisite for the  Upload storage action is that the selected local storage is not already existing on the target CMR.

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