Details dialog

At any point during performing the analysis in the inspectIT User interface you can open the Details dialog to have a complete overview on the selected data. Details dialog is opened by simply right-clicking the data displayed in the table/tree and selecting Details options. 

Information provided

Based on the selected data type different information can be read in the Details dialog. Here is an overview on the information provided based on the data type:

Information TypeApplies forDescription
General InfoAllProvides information on the agent data belongs to as well as the type of the data. If data is in non-aggregated mode data time-stamp will be displayed.
Method InfoTimer, Invocation, HTTP and Exception dataProvides information about monitored method including: package, class, method, parameters, return value. Additionally provides information if the method is currently instrumented and provides monitoring data.
Invocation AffiliationTimer, SQL, HTTP and Exception dataFor all data types that can be part of invocation sequence, the Invocation Affiliation information is displayed showing if the data is contained in one or more invocations and what is the affiliation percentage/sum.
Duration InfoTimer, SQL, HTTP, Invocation dataProvides information about the total, exclusive and CPU duration of the selected data. Note that in certain situations exclusive and/or CPU duration is not available.
SQL InfoSQL data and Invocation holding SQL dataProvides detailed information about executed query including the information on which database was query executed.
HTTP InfoHTTP data and Invocation holding HTTP dataProvides HTTP request details like URI, request method, tag, parameters, session attributes, etc. Note that aggregated HTTP data can only display basic information like URI and request method.
Exception InfoException data and Invocation holding Exception dataProvides detail information about exception including exception message, cause, stack trace, etc.

Note that for each type all possible information is provided in the Details dialog.


Here are some examples of the Details dialog for different data types:

Invocation Wit HTTP Details 

Exception Details

Executing actions from the Details dialog

On the right side of the Details dialog there is a list of actions that can be executed on the selected data. The actions are divided into two groups: Navigate To and Action. As name implies the first group of actions enables fast navigation, while other provides additional actions like Copy, Save on Server, etc. Note that executing any action except Copy will close the Details dialog prior to executing the action.