Combine data

Combine data

As one of the new features in version 1.4 comes the option to Combine one or more invocations sequences. The functionality comes handy when we want to have a better overview on several invocations, especially when they are all part of the same use case.

To combine the data, first several (two or more) invocations need to be selected in the Invocation Sequence View. In the right-click menu the option  Analyse >  Combine Data will be available.

After executing the action, the same Invocation Sequence view will be displayed showing the selected invocations. The data displayed in the sub-view is combined from all selected invocations. For example, the SQL sub-view will display all SQLs that were executed in the invocations. Note that by deselecting one of the invocations after clicking on the check box next to it, will remove its data from the sub-views content.

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