GUI Acceptance Test

GUI Acceptance Test

inspectIT Storage GUI Acceptance Test


You just finished the talk with your supervisor at the Application Performance Management department where you work. The boss told you that today there will be a load test with inspectIT as monitoring tool and their new storage features. Is it s your task to manage the complete task with respect to inspectIT.

The load test should start in 30 minutes and it should be completely recorded, thus you want to hurry up to setup everything. You decide to start inspectIT!

The boss told you that the CMR that will be receiving the load test data will be located on the address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:pppp so you decide to add this CMR to your GUI. Furthermore, you decide to remove any other existing repositories, because you think it will be easier to work with only one repository.

The boss told you that you should check if the license for the CMR is still valid, so that no problem occurs during the load test.

He also mentioned that there is some data in the CMR buffer, but it s more or less irrelevant data. Thus, he suggested that you save 5 longest invocation sequences that are currently in the buffer to a Storage name 'Old Buffer Data'. Invocations should be saved, as well as all Exceptions that occurred in these invocations. Other types of data is irrelevant. He added, that this storage should be assigned to your team mate Stefan Siegl because he is responsible for the data currently in the buffer.

In the preparation for the performance test, you decide to clear all data in the CMR buffer, because you believe that CMR will perform better. However, before cleaning the data you decide to write down amount of data in the buffer, so that you can say to Stefan Siegl how much data there was if he asks.

There is 15 minutes left till the start. You decide to create a storage where load test recording will be done. The storage name will be 'Load Test YYYY-MM-DD', and description will be 'Performance testing of Web server X1'.

Earlier the boss told you that today three use cases will be tested:

  • Adding customer
  • Customer search
  • Creating order for customer

thus you decide to mark that data in the storage will have these three use cases.

You just remembered that you agreed with your colleagues that all descriptions for the storage, should also include the name of the Person who created the storage. So you decided to alter the earlier entered description of the storage where load test will be recorded.

Only 5 minutes till the load test start! Your boss is calling and saying:

  • Hy Andreas, look today we will not test the Adding customer use case, please do not mark the storage with this use case. Also, remove this use case completely from the CMR, because I don't want to have it as an option there. When we need it, we'll add it again. Thanks.

Its time to start recording, load test will begin soon. As your boss told you, all data should be stored, but from the System platform sensors, he is only interested in CPU and Memory data. Furthermore, all Invocation children should be extracted. However, because this would impose a high load on the CMR, you decide to aggregate the Timer Data & SQL Statement data with an aggregation period of 10 seconds for the Timer Data and 6 seconds for the SQL Statement data. Since the load test is lasting 15 minutes you decide to enable automatic stop of recording after 15 minutes.

Load test is running...

Your boss calls you again on the phone:

  • Hi Andreas, can you tell me how much time is left for the recording?
  • Yea sure, it's ____ minutes.
  • OK. Look, the guys that are responsible for the generating the load screw something up, so we will abort the load test. You can stop recording manually. However, please save all SQL statements that are related to this load test and are in the CMR buffer to a new storage called 'DB performance YYYY-MM-DD', because that data we can still examine. Please also include the SQLs that are inside of invocations. Thank you.

Just after you finished doing everything you boss asked, the phone rings again. It's Stefan Siegl:

  • Hi Andreas, did you hear that these guys screw the test again. Cccc.. Can you tell me please how much data was in the buffer before the recording started?
  • Yea sure, there was ____ Mbs of data.
  • OK. One more thing, I don't know if you heard, but our colleague Patrice Bouillet left the project today. So please delete all the storages that are assigned only to him, OK?
  • No problem Stefan, right away.
  • And since the load test failed, you can also delete the Storage that was used for recording and clear the complete buffer again.
  • I'll do this too.
  • Hmm, I see you created the storage with only SQLs that were executed during the load test. Nice. Can you please send 3 SQL statements that have the longest average duration to our DB expert Ivan Senic. You know his email, right?
  • Yes of course, no problem, I'll do this also.
  • Thank you. Uff, Andreas one more thing, I can not explore the Storage 'Old Buffer Data' to see what did you saved there. Can you tell me what can be the problem?
  • Hm, let me have the look. Yes the problem is ___________________________________.

Since the end of the working day is approaching you decide to do your everyday repeating tasks of managing the storages on the servers, and these are:

  • Leave no storage in write mode.
  • Delete all storages that have less than 1MB of data from the CMR

One more working day is over for you.