2011-11-24 Andreas Übelhör
2011-11-24 Andreas Übelhör
Testing outcome
Noticed problems
- Was looking for a right-click menu in Repository Manager several times
- Could not find the License Information for CMR (looked in About box, Menu,..)
- Was not comfortable with the data selection page in wizards for saving, copying and recording
- Looked for storage edit in right-click menu
- Copy to storage action not found (did not know about it at all)
- Was confused with icons in general
- Did not find the filtering options in the storage manager
- He expected that the Repository Manager view refreshes the data after the action
Noticed exceptions
- CMR Repository had description null at some point
- Deleting the storage has a mount question still
- Refresh on the Repository view does not refresh the property sub-view
Suggestions from test user
- Dialogs should have Cancel, not Close as an option for aborting the task
- After actions on repository view should be updated, otherwise user does not know if the action had any effect
- General problem with icons
- Stop recording icon not good, suggested something like a stop sign
- License icon reminded him to Adobe icon
- Copy buffer should be similar to clear buffer, with the small copy sign in the corner
- The finalize storage icon reminded him more to editing
- Define data in wizards problematic and not understandable
- The additional options should correlate the context more
- Don't show additional options if the data type is not selected
- Or show them in second page, based on the selection in first
- Maybe group similar sensors in groups
- The additional options should correlate the context more
- Time selection
- Should not change the displayed boxes, but put them box visible
- Time selection options should be initially visible, but disabled, then user can know what to expect there
- Right-click menu for CMR Repository view
- When saving invocation, "grayed" box is very confusing. When some other type of data is also selected, extract invocation check-box should be checked automatically
- Suggestion to display the server anyway even when agent is selected in Repository manager
- Editing actions was difficult to find. Consider some changes, maybe adding it to the right-click menu.
- Add icons for add/remove labels in the storage manager
- It's confusing to understand the difference between remove label from Storage and CMR. However, reading the documentation on this would solve the problem.
- Suggested to have copy action also in data explorer, because it seams more logical for him to copy data from the view where he is exploring the same
- Filters should be more visible in some way.
, multiple selections available,