2011-11-25 Jens Müller
2011-11-25 Jens Müller
Testing outcome
Noticed problems
- Was looking for a right-click menu in Repository Manager several times
- Looked for storage edit in right-click menu, difficult to find edit button
- He expected that the Repository Manager view refreshes the data after the actions
- Wandering if data was saved after Save data to Buffer action
- Had problems with data definition page in Save data to Buffer action
- A bit confused if old Save action is having same behavior as new Save action
- Copy to buffer action not found easily
Noticed exceptions
- Mounted-By is available in filtering
Suggestions from test user
- Allow multi-selection of the storages in Storage Managers, thus more storages can be deleted at once
- Readable / Writable making overhead for the user. Not satisfied with the one way storage lifetime. At least enable going back to the writable state.
- Why is save data only available in the invocation sequence view
, multiple selections available,