Running on MacOS

Running on MacOS

Due to security guidelines for downloaded files on certain MacOS platforms, few steps have to be executed in order to get the inspectIT UI (RCP) running.


Please note that:

  • You should preferably start the UI using the run.sh file located in the root inspectit/ directory. You might need to first run the command: chmod +x run.sh 
  • You should have Java 8 installed on your machine. Java 9 is not supported, if you have Java 9 as default please run as:
$ xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/inspectIT.app
$ ./inspectIT.app/Contents/MacOS/inspectIT -vm  /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk

Removing Quarantine Flag

By default, MacOS marks all downloaded files, which can be executed, as unsecure and adds a quarantine flag that prevents the access to it. Unfortunately, all plugins used by the inspectIT UI are shipped as Jar files which will be classified as unsecure. Due to this, the inspectIT UI is not able to load the required bundles and the start will fail.

Prior version 1.8.3

The quarantine flag can be removed from the inspectIT files by executing the following command:

xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/inspectIT.app

Version 1.8.3 and higher

Since version 1.8.3 the inspectIT UI is shipped with a run.sh file which contains all the necessary commands to remove the quarantine flag and allows to start the inspectIT UI in an easy way.

Removing Shipped JRE

This step is only necessary for versions prior 1.8.3.

The inspectIT UI (prior version 1.8) comes with its own JRE which can cause problems or prevent the startup of the inspectIT UI in the latest MacOS version.

In order to get the it running, the shipped JRE has to be removed. This can be achieved by the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the inspectIT UI directory
  2. Open the inspectIT.app (Right click on inspectIT and select "Show Package Contents")
  3. Navigate to "\Contents\MacOS"
  4. Open the file inspectit.ini in a text editor
  5. Remove the following lines:
  6. Save the file

Note: When removing the shipped JRE a Java runtime environment has to be installed on the host system in order to use the inspectIT UI.