Jenkins on EC2
Jenkins on EC2
Resizing the Storage of Jenkins-Slaves on EC2
- Logon to EC2 with the /wiki/spaces/IN/pages/5701787
- Under "IMAGES --> AMIs" select the Jenkins Slave AMI and select the snapshot id in the Details below under Block Devices (e.g. /dev/sda1=snap-XXXXXX)
- Deregister the Jenkins Slave AMI
- Go to "ELASTIC BLOCK STORE --> Snapshots" and select the snapshot with the previously looked up snapshot ID
- Under Actions select "Create Image"
- enter name
- for Block Device Mappings select desired storage size
- for "Virtualization type" select "Hardware-assisted virtualization"
- After a while a new AMI should appear under "IMAGES --> AMIs"
- copy the AMI ID of the new AMI and paste it to the Jenkins configuration under "Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Cloud -> AMIs -> AMI ID"