Jenkins Release Plugin

Jenkins Release Plugin

What is it?

The Release Plugin is a plugin for Jenkins to automate several Tasks of the build process.

The source code and further information can be viewed at the GitHub Repository.

Open Source Process



Select open source licenseAGPLv3
Validate license compatibilityDONE
Add license file to source codeDONE
Create maven buildDONE
Validate code quality (any requirements from Jenkins marketplace?) 
Decide on maintenance strategy 
Select plugin ID (short name in build.gradle) should neither include plugin nor jenkins 
Upload source code to GitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-labs/release-plugin
Create jenkins-ci.org account 
Send the required mail to the developers' mailing list to tell necessary information to be forked into the GitHub Jenkins organisation 
Create Wiki page and add it to repository 
Add maintainer information 
Release plugin to jenkins-ci.org