Jenkins Gitter Integration

Jenkins Gitter Integration

Jenkins can notify our Gitter chat if jobs are started, failing and/or succeeding. The current configuration in jenkins is to send a notification for the Post Integration Job and for the Release Job.


On Gitter

  1. In gitter (http://gitter.im/inspectIT) go to Configure (cogwheel) -> Integrations
  2. If there is no jenkins link available select Jenkins
  3. You get an unique link that you copy
  4. Close this window

On Jenkins

  1. Install the Notification Plugin
  2. Find the job you want to configure and find the "Job Notification" section at the top
  3. Paste the copied unique link (ensure that the configuration is JSON)

Fixing problems

  • It seems that it is important to quickly close the configuration box in Gitter when creating a new service. So do NOT follow the step to step guide in Gitter as this will most likely timeout the creation of the endpoint. Better copy the unique URL and close the configuration.