Charting Option

Charting Option

from version 1.5

With the charting option it is possible to define what data should be considered as the long-term data available for charting in inspectIT User interface. This data is additionally saved to the database, thus even when the CMR is shutdown or buffer is cleared the data will be available via charts.

Currently two sensors provide possibility to define is data collected should be considered as the long-term data:

  • Timer sensor
  • HTTP sensor


The configuration of the charting option is defined in the sensor assignment. With this approach it is possible to define exactly what methods performance data should be considered as long-term. The following instrumentation line:

sensor timer novatec.SubTest msg(java.lang.String) charting=true
sensor timer novatec.SubTest email(java.lang.String) 

will instrument both methods in the given SubTest class, but only the method msg(java.lang.String) will be available later on for displaying on charts.

The same configuration options is available for the HTTP sensor:

sensor http javax.servlet.Filter doFilter(javax.servlet.ServletRequest,javax.servlet.ServletResponse,javax.servlet.FilterChain) interface=true  charting=true
sensor http javax.servlet.Servlet service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest,javax.servlet.ServletResponse) interface=true  charting=true

Note that charting=true/false is an optional configuration and can be left out. In that case no charting will be done for the selected method.