Agent logging configuration

Agent logging configuration

Logging settings

More information on logging settings can be found in the Administrator Guide section.  

The Agent comes with a Logback configuration, defining the settings for the logging.

Location of the log files

By default the folder where log files will be created is relative to the location of the inspectit-agent.jar. Logs will be placed in the folder where jar is under the sub-folder logs. This is defined by the info.novatec.inspectit.agent.logback.LogInitializer class that sets the logDir variable.

<!-- Use below property definition to place logs in the folder relative to the inspectit-agent.jar location-->
<define name="logDir" class="info.novatec.inspectit.agent.logback.LogInitializer" />

If you want to use different folder for placing the log files, you can un-comment the property definition of the logDir variable and set the path on your own. Note that this requires also removing the above define specification.

<!-- Use below property specification to place logs in desired folder on the system -->
<property name="logDir" value="/path/to/desired/logging/folder" />


Default log level for the Agent is set to info. It is possible to change that by editing the logging-config.xml file located in the installation root. Use warn or error levels if you desire less logging created by the Agent. Use debug or trace if more logging is required.

<!-- set log levels - for more verbose logging change 'info' to 'debug', for less verbose set to 'error' or 'warn' -->
<root level="info">
 <appender-ref ref="stdout" />
 <appender-ref ref="file" />
 <appender-ref ref="exceptions" />

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