inspectIT 1.1 Release Notes
inspectIT 1.1 Release Notes
Textuelle Beschreibung
Release 1.1 bringt einige neue Features, welche die Integration in Entwicklungsprojekte vereinfachen. Zudem sind etliche Bugfixes integriert. Konkret möchte ich auf einige der wichtigsten Punkte eingehen.
- Filterung der invocation Sequences basierend auf Typ, exclusive time und duration ist nun möglich (siehe Filter invocation sequences)
- Export und Import von invocation Sequences ist nun möglich. (siehe Invocation Export and Import )
- Mehrere Configuration Files können nun verwendet werden. (siehe Separation of configuration files )
- Unnötige Elemente einer invocation sequence werden ausgeblendet (bspw. eine Verschachtelung aus prepareStatement Calls). Dadurch steigt die Anzeigegeschwindigkeit in der UI
Wichtige Bugfixes:
- Doppelte Agentenanzeige kommt nun nicht mehr vor
- Sporadisch wechselte die UI automatisch von der Methodenansicht zurück zur SQL Ansicht (nur unter Windows)
- UI Darstellungsproblem mit Windows Vista wurden gelöst
- Die Invocation Sequence Übertragung zwischen CMR und UI erfolgt nun über einen Port (bisher wurde ein neuer Port geöffnet)
- Anpassung am internen javassist um (in den meisten Fällen) auch mit eigentlich inkorrekten Bytecode umgehen zu können.
- Verbesserung bei der internen Ablage der Invocation Sequences. Sehr selten konnte es vorkommen, dass eine Invocation sequence eine andere überschrieben hatte.
Interne Verbesserungen / Updates / Schönheitskorrekturen:
- Versionsupdate der verwendeten H2 Datenbank, Hibernate und weiterer intern verwendeten Framework
- Signifikante Erweiterung der Testcases (Anpassung auf die gefundenen Bugs)
- Lizensimport über die GUI verwendet nun einen normalen Dialog und keinen Fehlerdialog
- Invalide CPU durations werden nicht mehr dargestellt
- Der CMR, Agent und die UI entpacken sich in ein eigenes Verzeichnis
- Verbesserte Standardeinstellungen für 64bit Umgebungen
- inspectIT liefert nun ein JDK mit aus
- Das automatische Update ist für jede Ansicht deaktiviert, da diese Funktionalität eine nicht unerhebliche Mehrbelastung für den CMR darstellt.
- Die UI erweitert nun alle Elemente mit Doppelklick
- Etliche Verbesserungen am Exception Sensor
Detailierte Beschreibung / Tickets
Ticket Links are only visible to Novatec employees
Please note that the ticket links are only visible to Novatec employees
- [INSPECTIT-10] - License import dialog uses "error dialog" while indicating that the license was imported
- [INSPECTIT-31] - CMR logging is not working with windows
- [INSPECTIT-74] - Exception Tracer can cause SQL exception as the length of the parameters is not checked
- [INSPECTIT-85] - NullPointerException when using Exception Sensor on a method having a try-finally block -> Bug is fixed in Javassist 3.11.0
- [INSPECTIT-89] - OC4J error: cannot load class load.Y
- [INSPECTIT-102] - Invocation Sequence Sensor: If no timer sensor is defined for the starting point method the aggregated method view doesn't show anything
- [INSPECTIT-123] - Testcase "connected" in IdManagerTest fails sometimes
- [INSPECTIT-140] - CPU Platformsensor provides min/max for the process CPU time although this time is an always increasing number
- [INSPECTIT-144] - Nullpointer Exception in the UI during startup - possible default package issue!
- [INSPECTIT-146] - Duplicate CMR instances can be added
- [INSPECTIT-164] - Startup of the client without the CMR results in errors
- [INSPECTIT-177] - sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Exception in the CMR (license service threw exception)
- [INSPECTIT-180] - Current implementation of Crop Method is wrong
- [INSPECTIT-181] - Ivy cannot be downloaded anymore when a build is executed
- [INSPECTIT-182] - Error when executing Agent build for 1.4
- [INSPECTIT-183] - Instrumentation of Weblogic Stub classes makes later deployment impossible
- [INSPECTIT-185] - Is the ExceptionTreeOverview really a tree?
- [INSPECTIT-191] - Method view of invocation sequence shows no data
- [INSPECTIT-192] - VerifyError in PreparedStatement Sensor
- [INSPECTIT-198] - Agent are shown multiple times (although it is the same agent)
- [INSPECTIT-200] - CPU time in Timer Data not always recored
- [INSPECTIT-204] - Update nebula cdatetime
- [INSPECTIT-205] - Hide cpu duration if <0
- [INSPECTIT-211] - Removing the LIVEMODE from getPreferenceIds() within a class doesn't stop the updating process in the background
- [INSPECTIT-213] - Duration in Invocation Overview and Details do not match
- [INSPECTIT-216] - Projections.count() in the new version of Hibernate returns now Long instead of Integer
- [INSPECTIT-218] - CMR causes unique index or primary key violation
- [INSPECTIT-219] - The DB query for retrieving stack traces for a specific error message seems not working anymore with the new hibernate version
- [INSPECTIT-227] - Invocation sequence retrieval uses RMI and needs additional (random) port
- [INSPECTIT-228] - UI hangs up on MS Vista (and possibly Win7)
- [INSPECTIT-232] - Storage area has to be always the last element
- [INSPECTIT-233] - Calculation of exclusive time is wrong
- [INSPECTIT-235] - Exception with bootclasspath in the Versioning implementation
- [INSPECTIT-244] - Storing invocation sequences fails (most likely wrong stream expected)
- [INSPECTIT-250] - Nullpointer Exception when extending invocation sequences
- [INSPECTIT-26] - Start and endtime in invocation sequence sensor
- [INSPECTIT-168] - Check which fields in the Exception Sensor should be limited in their length
- [INSPECTIT-169] - Update Javassist to 3.11.0
- [INSPECTIT-175] - Update H2 to newest version
- [INSPECTIT-176] - Update Hibernate to latest version
- [INSPECTIT-186] - Remove deferred loading of Exceptions
- [INSPECTIT-187] - Refactor exception classes by moving them into the correct package
- [INSPECTIT-189] - Refactor Javadoc of Platform Sensors
- [INSPECTIT-193] - Don't rely on standard Javassist package, use an own one!
- [INSPECTIT-196] - Release zip should contain the folder agent/cmr/gui
- [INSPECTIT-202] - Exception Overview must allow to also analyze the stack traces based on the showed ErrorMessages
- [INSPECTIT-203] - ErrorMessage of an ExceptionSensorData object must be saved in each object before the whole tree is saved into the database
- [INSPECTIT-222] - Increase the Heap Size of the UI to 1024M
- [INSPECTIT-223] - Increase the CMR memory in the startup script for 64bit Releases
- [INSPECTIT-225] - Change the auto-refresh to be disabled by default
- [INSPECTIT-241] - Filter unnecessary wrapper classes of SQL statements within invocation sequences
New Feature
- [INSPECTIT-35] - Export/Import invocation sequences
- [INSPECTIT-152] - Generic filter frame for invocation sequences
- [INSPECTIT-153] - Duration filter of elements within an invocation sequences
- [INSPECTIT-154] - Filter unnecessary SQL instrumentations (for prepared statements) within invocation sequences
- [INSPECTIT-156] - Separation of agent sensor configuration must be possible
- [INSPECTIT-157] - Agent reconnect after restart of CMR
- [INSPECTIT-158] - Invocation sequence detail pop-up should be automatically sized
- [INSPECTIT-162] - Expand trees by double click
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