Filter invocation sequences
Filtering of invocations and invocation details is currently mixed
Currently the filter functionality provides filters that are applied to all invocation sequences (like "item count to show") and filters that are applied to the invocation sequence details (filter by sensortype, exclusive/total time). In the next version these filters are separated from each other.
1. Overview
Invocation sequence are often the basis for the analysis of the application. The filter functionality provides the analyst with the possibility to reduce the length of the invocation sequence and thus only display information that is for him essential.
2. Accessing the filter functionality
The filtering functionality is integrated in the
Three different filtering possibility are provided. The following chapters describes these features in more detail. The filters can be set independent of each other and are internally combined using an "AND" condition.
3. Filtering based on the data type
Filtering based on the data type allows to hide/show invocation tree entries caring the information of specific data type. By default all data types are selected. In the table below you find a detailed explanation what which filter is providing.
Sensor type | Description | Default |
Invocation Sequence | This filter option allows you show/hid the invocations that do not have additional data types attached. | active |
Timer Data | All time based measurements are associated with the timer sensor. Deactivating this data type will result in invocation sequences without timer data attached to it. | active |
Sql Statement Data | This filter options enables that invocations caring information about a SQL query are shown/hidden. | active |
Http Timer Data | This filter options enables that invocations caring information about a HTTP requests are shown/hidden. | active |
Exception data | This filter options enables that invocations caring information about an Exception are shown/hidden. | active |
4. Filtering based on the duration
This filter removes all elements of the invocation sequences whose duration is less than the specified number. This filter is meaningful to greatly reduce the number of fast elements and thus be able to see the branch that took the most time.
5. Filtering based on the exclusive duration
This filter removes all elements whose exclusive duration is less than the specified number.