inspectIT 1.2.1 Release Notes

Focus: Ease of instrumentation

The new release 1.2.1 of inspectIT mainly focuses the means of defining instrumentation points and to allow first time users to quickly get an overview of their applications.

With the integration of modifier based instrumentation we realized a feature that was requested very often from our customers. This feature allows to define that only methods of a certain visibility should be instrumented, thus allowing to use the * wildcard for classes in a more efficient way as you can specify that only public methods should be included. Click here for further information

In addition inspectIT now addresses that most frameworks make heavy use of annotations to define business components. With the new annotation based instrumentation you can define that a method (or class) should be instrumented based on having a certain annotation. This will make instrumentations of newer JEE or Spring projects very easy. Click here for further information

With inspectIT 1.2.1 we also provide out-of-the-box instrumentations for many frameworks that are currently used. You can easily use these instrumentations to get started analyzing your application. Click here for further information

Apart from that we improved the scalability of the CMR even further (We have one project in which we use a CMR using 16GB of heap for buffering). We also fixed minor details on the user interface (some stepping problems, a better algorithm for checking if a CMR is up and running, etc.)