inspectIT 1.2 Release Notes

Textuelle Beschreibung

Release 1.2 integriert einen Memorybuffer im CMR, welche alle Informationen vorhält. Dieser Buffer liefert einen erheblichen Performanceboost für alle Operationen in der UI. Zudem ermöglicht dieser neue Navigationsmöglichkeiten. Es ist nun möglich anhand von Timer, Database oder Exception Daten zur invocation sequence zu navigieren in welcher diese Query/Methode aufgerufen worden ist. Dadurch sind sehr gute Analysemöglichkeiten gegeben.  


  • In Memory Buffer für Daten im CMR
  • Navigationsmöglichkeiten von losgelösten Timern, Database Queries und Exception zu den invocation sequences welche diese beinhalten
  • Stepping Möglichkeit innerhalb von invocation sequences ermöglicht es nach der Navigation die gesuchte Methode/Query/Exception im Calltree darzustellen 
  • Integration des Exception sensors
  • Definition einer losgelösten tabellarischen Timerdarstellung
  • Neue Homepagegestaltung
  • Ausführliche Dokumentation


  • [INSPECTIT-44] - Instrumentation of RCP class fails in incharge instrumentation
  • [INSPECTIT-45] - Clicking on the "Jdbc Connection" Sensor in the instrumentation browser results in an exception
  • [INSPECTIT-101] - Upgrade Gitorious because of Dashboard Problem
  • [INSPECTIT-126] - UI only displays the first data for all columns
  • [INSPECTIT-130] - Testcase "nineValuesInOneTimeframe" in TimeframeDividerTest fails
  • [INSPECTIT-229] - Linebreaks are sometimes included in the SQLs within the SQL view
  • [INSPECTIT-237] - Exception Sensor should not make an own instrumentation
  • [INSPECTIT-254] - ClassCastException in ServerView
  • [INSPECTIT-255] - Instrumentation failed for classes without name and package
  • [INSPECTIT-261] - Do not check for online availability of ivy library if local one is found
  • [INSPECTIT-262] - Float NaN check not working
  • [INSPECTIT-263] - Equals should handle null value
  • [INSPECTIT-264] - Remove CMR init in tests and initialize log4j properly
  • [INSPECTIT-265] - Release process for UI does not find commons net 2.1
  • [INSPECTIT-266] - Remove Timeline from Invocation View in the UI
  • [INSPECTIT-267] - PropertyAccessorTest fails when executed from within Eclipse
  • [INSPECTIT-269] - Rename novaspy-agent.config to inspectit-agent.cfg in the samples project "Invocation"
  • [INSPECTIT-273] - SQL Browser always shows query twice
  • [INSPECTIT-276] - AppServer startet nicht, bei fehlender inspectIT-Lizenz
  • [INSPECTIT-278] - Constructor Delegation with Exception Sensor and Invocation Sensor leads to incorrect data
  • [INSPECTIT-282] - SWT Exception (Widget is disposed) is thrown during removing of a server item from the server view
  • [INSPECTIT-284] - Databasemapping for DEFINED_IDS too small
  • [INSPECTIT-285] - inspectIT Integration with Glassfish
  • [INSPECTIT-286] - sometimes OpenViewHandler cannot open views
  • [INSPECTIT-287] - java.rmi.server.ExportException: internal error: ObjID already in use when CMR is started
  • [INSPECTIT-293] - Nullpointer Exception when accessing invocation sequence that is not in buffer
  • [INSPECTIT-299] - Last invocation sequence is not indexed
  • [INSPECTIT-300] - Specify compiler compliance level for the CMR
  • [INSPECTIT-301] - Library spring-test should be removed from prod
  • [INSPECTIT-303] - Clicking remove repository when storage area is selected throws an exception
  • [INSPECTIT-306] - display of parameter content should have closing quotation
  • [INSPECTIT-309] - Grouped exception view throws exception
  • [INSPECTIT-314] - Testcoverage for CMR is not shown
  • [INSPECTIT-316] - Method view within an invocation calculates sum and total exclusive in a wrong way
  • [INSPECTIT-321] - Agent build does not work
  • [INSPECTIT-341] - Fix HealthStatus display
  • [INSPECTIT-342] - Refreshing in invocation overview deletes all data in tabbed sub-views
  • [INSPECTIT-350] - DefaultMemoryPlotController - expose internal representation
  • [INSPECTIT-353] - CMR does not shut down when is not found
  • [INSPECTIT-355] - Concurrent modification of Invocation sequence data
  • [INSPECTIT-356] - Please change sample configuration file
  • [INSPECTIT-357] - Graph views cannot go back in history
  • [INSPECTIT-359] - Display of count information etc. in the graph view is not working
  • [INSPECTIT-365] - Importing data does not work
  • [INSPECTIT-366] - No default CMR when first time statred inspectIT
  • [INSPECTIT-367] - Time range default value is not correct


  • [INSPECTIT-69] - Analyze and Select Code Quality Tools
  • [INSPECTIT-94] - Better error documentation for licence service
  • [INSPECTIT-111] - Documentation of Exception Sensor should be updated
  • [INSPECTIT-133] - PDE Build based on Eclipse 3.6
  • [INSPECTIT-171] - Create a Testcase for the Exception Sensor to test a try-finally statement
  • [INSPECTIT-173] - Change test rules for checkstyle, findbugs etc. in Hudson
  • [INSPECTIT-207] - Create abstract class for the TreeInputController
  • [INSPECTIT-208] - Adjust expand level in ExceptionMessagesTreeInputController to 1, so that nested elements are only loaded on explicit expansion
  • [INSPECTIT-212] - Update Javassist from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0 in CMR
  • [INSPECTIT-215] - Allow exporting invocations from the storage area
  • [INSPECTIT-220] - Debug flag on for UI?
  • [INSPECTIT-236] - Use aspects for logging and time measurement on the services
  • [INSPECTIT-239] - Provide double click expansion for the navigation view
  • [INSPECTIT-248] - Reduce agent logging chatiness
  • [INSPECTIT-249] - Reduce/Optimize CMR logging - show IP
  • [INSPECTIT-256] - Use parameterized command with input definition for executing the open view handler
  • [INSPECTIT-258] - Check for unused dependencies in the inspectIT UI
  • [INSPECTIT-259] - Include functional tests in CMR build
  • [INSPECTIT-271] - Integrate invocation count of SQL statement in the details dialog
  • [INSPECTIT-275] - Agent CMR communication via two predefinable ports
  • [INSPECTIT-281] - Improve CMR build process
  • [INSPECTIT-283] - Change default port from 8080 to something that is used less frequent by other application
  • [INSPECTIT-290] - Clear buffer functionality from the UI
  • [INSPECTIT-297] - Enhance about box
  • [INSPECTIT-302] - Save and export have to be available for buffer invocations also
  • [INSPECTIT-304] - SQL Statements and Exceptions should be in buffer and TimerData extracted from invocations
  • [INSPECTIT-305] - Change jetty context
  • [INSPECTIT-310] - Evicting more than one element from buffer
  • [INSPECTIT-311] - Provide release for Windows x64
  • [INSPECTIT-313] - Fix FindBugs issues
  • [INSPECTIT-315] - Correct release mechanism in CMR Build
  • [INSPECTIT-319] - Check libraries not handled by ivy in the UI
  • [INSPECTIT-320] - Increase validity of certificates for licence creation and verification
  • [INSPECTIT-322] - Clean target in build should also delete lib/test and lib/prod
  • [INSPECTIT-323] - Several warnings in build file concerning includeantruntime
  • [INSPECTIT-324] - RMIIO not needed anymore
  • [INSPECTIT-325] - Remove logical name from sensor configuration
  • [INSPECTIT-326] - Remove JUnit Report from Buildfiles
  • [INSPECTIT-327] - Move integrate-version-information ant task
  • [INSPECTIT-330] - Buffer code has to be complied with quality tools
  • [INSPECTIT-340] - Move properties files into config package
  • [INSPECTIT-344] - Remove unneeded icons from UI navigation
  • [INSPECTIT-348] - License Overview
  • [INSPECTIT-349] - UuF: Unused field: info.novatec.inspectit.agent.config.impl.UnregisteredSensorConfig.sensorName
  • [INSPECTIT-351] - AbstractStorageHandler ignores exceptional return value
  • [INSPECTIT-352] - ZipUtil ignores exceptional return value
  • [INSPECTIT-354] - inspectIT splash screen must be changed
  • [INSPECTIT-361] - Integrate license agreements with inspectIT
  • [INSPECTIT-362] - Include exclusive time in timerdata view
  • [INSPECTIT-369] - Integrate PDF licence with every component

New Feature

  • [INSPECTIT-24] - Information filter within one invocation sequence
  • [INSPECTIT-88] - Export der SQL Informationen
  • [INSPECTIT-103] - Improvement of Exception Tracer
  • [INSPECTIT-112] - CI: CMR Services Basic
  • [INSPECTIT-113] - CI Persistency Platform Basic
  • [INSPECTIT-163] - Configurable refresh rate in the UI
  • [INSPECTIT-230] - Quick link between SQL view and invocation sequence
  • [INSPECTIT-277] - Integrate Exception Sensor into Invocation Sequence Sensor
  • [INSPECTIT-289] - Integration of buffer for invocation sequences
  • [INSPECTIT-332] - Navigate back to invocation sequences
  • [INSPECTIT-333] - SQL View should provide information if this SQL is contained in invocation sequences
  • [INSPECTIT-334] - Exception View should provide information if this exception is contained in invocation sequences
  • [INSPECTIT-335] - Quick link between exception view and invocation sequence
  • [INSPECTIT-336] - Automatically expand invocation sequence tree when navigating back to the invocation sequence
  • [INSPECTIT-337] - Provide stepping functionality for invocation sequences
  • [INSPECTIT-339] - Create method view for "live" Timer data
  • [INSPECTIT-345] - Add help button


  • [INSPECTIT-178] - Create Unit Tests for the CMR
  • [INSPECTIT-188] - Hudson integrates release / integrated build run with the jira ticket after a successful integration/release
  • [INSPECTIT-209] - Should the LIVEMODE be removed the the ExceptionOverview?
  • [INSPECTIT-253] - Create eclipse code templates
  • [INSPECTIT-296] - Check license of icons and libraries
  • [INSPECTIT-312] - Organize tests for the CMR
  • [INSPECTIT-318] - Create new licence for IVV
  • [INSPECTIT-331] - Configure the quality tools settings
  • [INSPECTIT-104] - Show Exception Message within the "Exception Overview" view
  • [INSPECTIT-105] - Aggregation of exceptions for the "Exception Overview" should be built on the server not on the client
  • [INSPECTIT-106] - Expanded Exception Tree should be shown
  • [INSPECTIT-107] - Exception Sensor should be grayed out if not defined in config
  • [INSPECTIT-108] - History function for Exceptions
  • [INSPECTIT-109] - IdentityHash should be removed from the UI
  • [INSPECTIT-110] - Testcase is needed when the cause is set on an Exception Object
  • [INSPECTIT-120] - Improve filtering methods on CMR