inspectIT 1.7.11 Release Notes
inspectIT 1.7.11 Release Notes
Release on GitHub
This is a stable release for inspectIT version thread 1.7.
Release Notes
- [INSPECTIT-2437] - Invocations from an alert can not be shown
- [INSPECTIT-2434] - Environments cannot be editied on Windows systems.
- [INSPECTIT-2431] - Excluded classes are marked as instrumented after update of exclude profile and agent restart
- [INSPECTIT-2430] - Recording of data located in invocation sequences don't work without recording invocation sequences
- [INSPECTIT-2429] - Sorting of invocation SQL sub view not working
- [INSPECTIT-2428] - Not all value type sources are working for the dynamic business transaction name extraction
- [INSPECTIT-2425] - Importing the previously exported CI configuration fails
- [INSPECTIT-2424] - inspectIT HTTP tag name does not reflect propagation baggage
- [INSPECTIT-2423] - Remote profiles should be default
- [INSPECTIT-2421] - Retransformation strategy is missing in the log statement about the used environment
- [INSPECTIT-2416] - Edit of the CMR repository is disabled all the time in the Repository manager
- [INSPECTIT-2403] - ClassInstrumenterPerfTest benchmark tests failing
- [INSPECTIT-2402] - SocketExtendedByteBufferInputStreamTest$Read fails indeterminately
- [INSPECTIT-2393] - inspectIT UI throws exception when configuring BTx dynamic name extraction
- [INSPECTIT-2370] - Solve collisions in the CoreService when adding sensor data
- [INSPECTIT-2435] - Hide passwords in CMR configuration
- [INSPECTIT-2427] - Connect to influxDB over HTTPS
- [INSPECTIT-2408] - Add support for connecting spans on same JVM using span context store
- [INSPECTIT-2407] - Capture exceptions in remote calls and mark span as error
- [INSPECTIT-2406] - Remove invocation children with no information about tracing
- [INSPECTIT-2404] - Include remote spans to storage
- [INSPECTIT-2276] - Tracing views
- [INSPECTIT-2037] - Fix MacOSX user interface distributions
- [INSPECTIT-1921] - Implement opentracing.io API and provide tracing over for HTTP and JMS
Internal Feature
- [INSPECTIT-2438] - Optimize the QueryResultWrapper's getDouble method
- [INSPECTIT-2398] - Update readme file with latest info
- [INSPECTIT-2389] - Fix broken links in README.md
- [INSPECTIT-2362] - Prepare the inspectit.agent.java.sdk project for general usage
- [INSPECTIT-2331] - Add possibility in order to adjust version of Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH)
- [INSPECTIT-2401] - Explorative testing for final v1.7
- [INSPECTIT-2361] - Test opentracing.io implementation against different web and application servers
- [INSPECTIT-2311] - Document remote tracing