Common profiles
Common profiles
inspectIT already ships with out-of-the-box instrumentations for commonly used Java technologies. These are defined in common profiles. Common profiles are marked with different icon ( ) and the [Common] prefix. They can not be changed or deleted.
The currently existing common profiles are:
Exclude rules - define default exclude rules, this profile should be included in all environments to ensure the correct functioning of the inspectIT agent
- EJB v2 - instrumentation configuration for Enterprise Java Beans version 1.x and 2.x
- EJB v3 - instrumentation configuration for Enterprise Java Beans version 3.x
- HTTP - instrumentation configuration for HTTP calls
- Hibernate - instrumentation configuration for Hibernate framework
- JPA - instrumentation configuration for Java Persistence API
- JSF - instrumentation configuration for Java Server Faces
- JTA - instrumentation configuration for Java Transaction API
- Logging for log4j - instrumentation configuration for capturing log4j logging
- SQL - instrumentation configuration for capturing SQL statements
- SQL Parameters - instrumentation configuration for capturing SQL statements with parameter values
- Struts - instrumentation configuration for Struts framework
- Trinidad JSF - instrumentation configuration for Apache MyFaces Trinidad JSF framework
- WebService - instrumentation configuration for WebService calls
Adapt the instrumentation points
In some cases out-of-the-box instrumentations can instrument too many methods. Thus, it is wise to check the instrumentations and adapt them for your needs. You can use the duplicate profile option to easily get a fresh copy of the common profile that you can alter.
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