Marvin Sensor

Marvin Sensor



Specialized sensor for Marvin framework

This sensor is a specialized sensor that can only be applied for the Marvin framework of the VSA. Please do not try to use this sensor for any other application!

1. Overview

This sensor type is a customized sensor for the VSA company and the Marvin Framework they are using. The sensor measures the call of the methods performActivity and getChangedData. The calls are added and reported as one measurement.The sensor measures only values on classes which define a performAction and a getChangedData method.

2. Configuration

2.1 Register the sensor type

method-sensor-type *<name>* info.novatec.inspectit.agent.sensor.method.marvintimer.MarvinWorkflowSensor

2.2 Apply the sensor

sensor *<name>* vsa.marvin.workflow.synch.core.SynchWorkflowBean performActivity marvin/performActivity f=Workflow;workflowClassName p=0;Activity;activityName
sensor *<name>* vsa.marvin.workflow.synch.core.SynchWorkflowBean getChangedData marvin/getChangedData