Separation of configuration files

Separation of configuration files

It is possible to separate the configuration into multiple files. This allows to easily separate configurations of different components, making the configuration easier to read. In addition to that the activation and deactivation of certain areas of configuration (if separated in several configuration files) is very easy to realize.

How it works

The file inspectit-agent.cfg is still the main configuration file. inspectIT reads this file during startup. Within this configuration file and the files that are being included, the user can add references to additional configuration files. These files are then retrieved and integrated during startup.

# If no absolute path is given, the folder containing this file is considered to be the root folder.

# Configuration separation might make sense to separate different technologies
$include api1_configuration.cfg
$include api2_configuration.cfg
# $include api3_configuration.cfg

# You might also want to use it to separate different depth of configuration
$include myFramework_production.cfg
# $include myFramework_diagnosis.cfg

# You can also use it to have different configurations based on the user
$include user/user_AAA.cfg
# $include user/user_BBB.cfg
# This file could contain more specific user configurations for the application
$include component/component_1.cfg
$include component/component_2.cfg
# $include ...

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