Filter invocation sequences

Filter invocation sequences

Filtering of invocations and invocation details is currently mixed

Currently the filter functionality provides filters that are applied to all invocation sequences (like "item count to show") and filters that are applied to the invocation sequence details (filter by sensortype, exclusive/total time). In the next version these filters are separated from each other.

1. Overview

Invocation sequence are often the basis for the analysis of the application. The filter functionality provides the analyst with the possibility to reduce the length of the invocation sequence and thus only display information that is for him essential.

2. Accessing the filter functionality

The filtering functionality is integrated in the same dialog that allows to increase the number of invocation sequences to be shown on the UI at the right upper edge of the invocation sequence view (the small black triangle next to the update button)

Three different filtering possibility are provided. The following chapters describes these features in more detail. The filters can be set independent of each other and are internally combined using an "AND" condition.

3. Filtering based on the sensor type

Filtering based on the sensor type allows to activate/deactivate information based on the associated sensor type. A meaningful default setting is provided here. In the table below you find a detailed explanation what which filter is providing.

Sensor type




All time based measurements are associated with the timer sensor. Deactivating this sensor will result in invocation sequences without any times at all


Invocation Sequence




All exceptions are shown within the invocation sequences (note that currently the exception are not yet integrated in the invocation sequence view)


JDBC Statement

This sensor type is associated with all unprepared SQL queries that are executed within the system. Deactivating this sensor type results in not having any unprepared SQL query within the invocation sequence.


JDBC Prep Statement

This sensor type is associated with all prepared SQL queries that are executed within the system. Deactivating this sensor type results in not having any prepared SQL query within the invocation sequence.


JDBC Connection

This sensor type is used to instrument all Connection classes. This is necessary for inspectIT in order to be able to monitor prepared and unprepared statements. For the analysis the instrumentation of this sensor type is in 99,99% of all cases not necessary.


JDBC Prep Parameter

This sensor type is used to instrument all methods that are used to set concrete values in prepared statements (if the user configured that prepared statements should include the concrete values the query was sent with). For the analysis of the invocation sequence, these setters are not helpful, thus this filter is deactive by default


4. Filtering based on the duration

This filter removes all elements of the invocation sequences whose duration is less than the specified number. This filter is meaningful to greatly reduce the number of fast elements and thus be able to see the branch that took the most time.

5. Filtering based on the exclusive duration

This filter removes all elements whose exclusive duration is less than the specified number.

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