Port configuration

Port configuration

Ports configuration

The Central Management Repository uses two ports for communication. The port 9070 is used for RMI service registry and the port 9071 for actual communication with an Agent. Be sure that a firewall is not blocking the mentioned ports, since then the CMR will not be able to start.

If for any reason these ports are not available for usage, a user can manually change the ports in the inspectit-cmr.jar (ports are defined in the file /spring/spring-context-service.xml). After changing please restart the CMR and make sure that the newly defined registry port is also altered in Agent configuration files.

RMI Port

RMI is used for data exchange between Agent and CMR. To adjust this port, do the following:

  • Agent
    • modify port configuration file --> repository [IP] [PORT] [Agent Name]
  • CMR
    • Unzip inspectit-cmr.jar
    • Modify the property registryPort in the file spring/spring-context-service.xml --> <property name="registryPort" value="9070" />


Between CMR and UI HTTP is used as the communication protocol. To adjust this port, do the following:

  • CMR
    • Unzip inspectit-cmr.jar
    • Modify the property jetty.port in the file config/jetty.properties --> jetty.port = 8182
  • UI
    • Add a new Repository Definition with the desired port number

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