CMR properties

CMR properties

It is possible to define several behavior properties for the CMR. These properties can be changed by by opening the inspectit-cmr.jar file and editing the config/cmr.properties file.

Saving Timer data to database

Old versions of inspectIT CMR automatically stored all the Timer data information to the database. When there is a high load on the monitored application, inspectIT Agent can send a lot of data to the CMR, resulting in the fact that a large number of the Timer data objects needed to be persisted in the file based H2 database. Because of the limitations of the H2 database, these situations could lead to slower response of the CMR when the data from the database is requested.

Since saving of Timer data informations is only needed for long time monitoring, from version 1.2.1 there is an option to disable the persistence the Timer data to the database. However, the data will still be stored as usual in internal memory buffer, thus available for analysis (see Working with the in-memory storage). On the other hand, the history views in the inspectIT user interface will show no data if saving is disabled.

This option can be enabled/disabled by setting true/false to the cmr.saveTimerDataToDatabase option in the config/cmr.properties file.

When to enable/disable saving of Timer data

It is highly recommended to disable the saving of the Timer data to the database if any kind of load test is performed on monitored applications. In these situations CMR will have much better performance and responsibility, since it is expected to handle a large set of monitoring data easier.

The option can be enabled if there is no high load on the monitoring application, usually when inspectIT is used during the application development.

Remember that only difference if the option is disabled, is that no historical overview of the timer data will be available on the user interface.

Check for new versions

Note that inspectIT team will address this problem with newer versions and improve persistent timer storage for long time monitoring.

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