JavaScript Tracing Scratch
JavaScript Tracing Scratch
Configuration Options
This options can be specified within the first code lines of the JavaScript file.
Configuration Name | Description | possible Values | Default Values |
startEUE | turn JavaScript tracing completely off or on |
| true |
storageType | defines the storage which should be used for saving the result strings |
| sessionStorage |
storageBufferSize | defines the threshold of the maximum buffer size of the storage. If it reaches the given threshold, the result strings are sent to the server |
| ? |
storageBufferTimeTrigger | defines a specific time period which triggers the sending initiation periodically |
| ? |
screenShotCapturing | takes an screenshot of the specific target element. (In fact, it repaints the element out of CSS and DOM-information --> external library) |
| false |
elementDOMInfoIteratingParents | Specifies the number of parents which should be traversed of the target element in order to identify it. The value "0" determines that this property won't be traced |
| 3 |
maxWaitingTimePerRequest | Specifies the maximum waiting time for an asynchronous request before the monitoring data are sent. Background: Some requests never get a response (e.g. because the page is not available or has been changed, etc.) |
| 1 min ? |
storagePrefix | In order to avoid name collisions in the specified storage as the application could use session or local storage within its functionality, the prefix is set just before the ID. |
| "myeueStorage_" |
Result Strings
Name | Condition(s) | Format Example |
First Load Timings |
| { "timings": { "ttfb": 2696, "frontendProcessing": 652, "startTime": 1405072101648 }, "browser": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, l ike Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36", "geoInfo": { "city": "Stuttgart", "country": "Germany", "longitude": 9.1833, "latitude": 48.7667 } } |
Ajax Request (with target) |
| { "timings": { "startTime": 1405676325228, "duration": 8 "processingTime": 20 } "url": "/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/ajaxifyKeyEvents.jsf", "requestType": "async", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "keyup", "domPath": "TR > > KeyUp:\t\tsf > INPUT class=\"ui-inputfield ui-inputtext ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-state-focus\" > TD", "elementID": "form:firstname", "elementTagName": "INPUT", "imageBase64": "iVsdgrfsfd..." }, } |
Ajax Request (without target) |
| { "timings": { "startTime": 1405676039599, "duration": 5 "processingTime": 10 }, "url": "localhost:8080http://localhost:8080/eueResponse", "requestType": "async" } |
Synchronous Request (Link, Form unload-Event) |
| "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", // or: "form", "unload" "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "A > > Events > A", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "A" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1405679928407, "ttfb": 72, "frontendProcessing": 315 } |
Errors |
| { "message": "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'noProperty' of undefined", "url": "http://localhost:8080/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/ajaxifyKeyEvents.jsf", "linenumber": 124, "timings": { "timestamp": 1405689763452 }, "columnNumber": 22, "stacktrace": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'noProperty' of undefined\n at errorFunction (http://localhost:8080/prime-showcase-1.0.0- SNAPSHOT/ui/pprCounter.jsf:124:22)" } |
Example of a whole result String
Whole result String
{ "1": { "timings": { "startTime": 1406886427575, "duration": 4, "processingTime": 1 }, "url": "http://localhost:8080/eueResponse", "requestType": "async" }, "2": { "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "SPAN > > Manager App > SPAN", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "SPAN" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1406886435362, "ttfb": 3396, "frontendProcessing": 56 } }, "3": { "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "A > > /prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT > A", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "A" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1406886444551, "ttfb": 497, "frontendProcessing": 392 } }, "4": { "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "A > > Events > A", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "A" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1406886449961, "ttfb": 65, "frontendProcessing": 309 } }, "5": { "timings": { "startTime": 1406886451402, "duration": 24, "processingTime": 4 }, "url": "/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/ajaxifyKeyEvents.jsf", "requestType": "async" }, "6": { "timings": { "startTime": 1406886451991, "duration": 16, "processingTime": 3 }, "url": "/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/ajaxifyKeyEvents.jsf", "requestType": "async" }, "7": { "timings": { "startTime": 1406886452468, "duration": 15, "processingTime": 2 }, "url": "/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/ajaxifyKeyEvents.jsf", "requestType": "async" }, "8": { "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "A > > Selects > A", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "A" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1406886453255, "ttfb": 39, "frontendProcessing": 300 } }, "9": { "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "A > > Events > A", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "A" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1406886455295, "ttfb": 14, "frontendProcessing": 296 } }, "10": { "timings": { "startTime": 1406886458169, "duration": 25, "processingTime": 4 }, "url": "/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/ajaxifyKeyEvents.jsf", "requestType": "async" }, "11": { "requestType": "sync", "targetType": "link", "elementInfo": { "eventType": "click", "domPath": "A > > Selectors > A", "elementID": "", "elementTagName": "A" }, "timings": { "startTime": 1406886458950, "ttfb": 45, "frontendProcessing": 272 } }, "12": { "timings": { "startTime": 1406886463323, "duration": 49, "processingTime": 45 }, "url": "/prime-showcase-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ui/selectors.jsf", "requestType": "async" } }
- timings are not accurate
- JavaScript: "strict mode" in firefox prevents Function.caller to be executed