JMX Sensor

JMX Sensor

Roadmap JMX-Sensor

Description of functionality and features of a JMX-Sensor within inspectIT.


  • Creation of a Confluence-Page describing the functionality and features of the JMX-Sensor
  • Developing UI-Sketches as a base for further feature-planning
  • Defining the data a user has to provide

2 Weeks

2Data-ClassesDevelopment of Data-Classes  required to save JMX-Data
  • JmxSensorDefinitionData
  • JmxSensorValueData
  • Class to save ObjectNames of all available MBeans??
3 Weeks(tick)
3Configuration Storage
  • Saving data defined via user-input to the ConfigurationStorage
    • Reading the ConfigurationFile
    • Accepting regular expressions to define multiple MBeans and Attributes?
  • Developing test to verfiy the functionality of the code
3 Weeks(tick)
4Registration (Agent)
  • Registration of the available data on the Agent only
  • Finalize Agent
  • Writing Tests for the Agent to verify its functionality
4-5 Weeks(tick)
5Registration (CMR)
  • Completing the registration of JMXSensors and its data on the CMR
  • Creating the databasemodel for JMX-Data on the CMR
  • Verifiying the functionality via tests
5 Weeks(tick)
6Client (Data)
  • Seize JMX-Data on the client
  • Testing the integrity of the seized data
3 Weeks(tick)
7Client (User Interface)
  • Development of the UI
  • UI-Sketches as base of development
5 Weeks


8Client (User Interface)Display Data of specified Attributes of MBeans3 Weeks(tick)
9Client (User Interface)Display history of specified Attributes of MBeans2 Weeks(minus)



(tick)Finished task
(warning)Work in progress
(minus)Outstanding task



Definition of MBeans/Attributes

Definition in Configuration File

## jmx-sensor-type <sensor-name> <fully-qualified-name>


#jmx-sensor-type jmx-sensor1 info.novatec.inspectit.agent.sensor.jmx.JmxSensor


## JMX


## jmx-sensor <jmx-sensor-name> mbeanname=<mbean-name> attributename=<attribute-name>


## jmx-sensor jmx-sensor1 mbeanname=Catalina:type=Server attributename=port


Server Parameters within eclipse

Run-configs to include the inspectIT Agent in a Tomcat within eclipse:


Program Arguments:



VM-Arguments for Tomcat 7.0:

-javaagent:[Path to Agent]\inspectit-agent.jar -Dinspectit.config=[Path to config-file]\config\

-Dcatalina.base="[Path to catalina-Base]" -Dcatalina.home="[Path to Tomcat]\Tomcat" -Dwtp.deploy="[Path to deploy folder]\wtpwebapps" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="[Path to endorsed folder]\Tomcat\endorsed"



General view

Expanded view on a specified MBean



Detail view on a specified attribute of a MBean

Current Developing State of the JMX-Sensor

Regarding Code:

  • Agent completely finished
    • Data of MBeans completely captured
    • Regular expressions work for ObjectNames
      • only if start of RegEx is defined (e.g.: "Catalina*"  is working, " * " only won't work)
    • Regular Expressions for Attributes won't work in the current version (changes in JmxSensor-class required to search for RegEx of Attribute-Names as they are passed directly)
  • CMR finished
    • Data stored in H2-Database
    • Access to data is implemented
  • UI partially finished
    • Display of most recent value of attributes of MBeans is done
    • no further data is displayed but may be acquired from the CMR

Regarding Server:

Tests were run on a Tomcat 7.0. Other java-based application servers should work without any problems as no specific libraries, communication protocols or else were used. But no tests were done on application servers beside Tomcat 7.0.