Icons and banners

Icons and banners


All icons in the user interface are located in the inspectIT/icons folder with following structure:

  • /eclipse - Icons originally by Eclipse or icons made by us using the Eclipse concepts. Licence EPL 1.0.
  • /wizban - Wizban images by Eclipse or made by us using the Wizban Eclipse concepts. License EPL 1.0.
  • /3rdparty - Icons by 3rd party, license included for the each icon.
  • /selfmade - Icons made by us.

Eclipse Icons

On the UI we should follow the User Interface Guidelines specified by Eclipse. They also offer on the page a huge number of the icons and banner for usage. When needing a icon or banner for the UI please check this page first and try to find appropriate one.

Please contact Ivan Senic for any questions on how to use attached files.

Core Icon Concepts

File contain the icons can be downloaded here.

Common Icon Elements: Eclipse Project

File contain the icons can be downloaded here.

Common Icon Elements: Eclipse Tools

File contain the icons can be downloaded here.

Core Wizard Concepts

File contain the icons can be downloaded here.

Common Wizard Elements

File contain the icons can be downloaded here.

Fugue Icon Set 

If you can not find appropriate icon in the Eclipse provided ones, have a look in the fugue-icons-3.5.5.zip. They are released under Creative Commons v4.0 license (http://www.iconarchive.com/show/fugue-icons-by-yusuke-kamiyamane.html). There are enough icons there for any situation.

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