Code repositories

Code repositories

We have different possibilities to work in inspectIT. We need to be able to have in-depth integration manager steps in order to have the best possible quality for some projects (e.g. inspectIT itself) but we also do not want to impose this burden onto all projects that are available in the inspectIT space.

Repository DescriptionPull-Request?VisibilityLocationLink
inspectIT Core Public repository for inspectIT developmentyespublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectIT/inspectIT
Docker projects Home for all Docker projects related to inspectITnopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker
-- CMR Docker image project for the CMRnopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker/cmr
-- JBoss with inspectIT agent Docker image project for an inspectIT agent on JBossnopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker/jboss
-- glassfish with inspectIT agent Docker image project for an inspectIT agent on GlassfishnopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker/glassfish
-- Jetty with inspectIT agent Docker image project for an inspectIT agent on JettynopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker/jetty
-- inspectIT GUI Docker image project for the inspectIT GUInopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker/inspectit
-- DVDStore sample Docker image project for the DVDStore sample projectnopublicGitHubhttps://github.com/inspectit-docker/dvdstore-example
DVDStore Sample the DVDStore application to show case inspectITnoprivateGitLabhttps://gitlab.com/inspectIT/sample-dvdstore