Create a pull request

Create a pull request

This documentation expects that you already have set up GitHub correctly.

You should use Feature branches for developing, that means you have one branch per feature that you develop. This also means that you DO NOT develop on your master branch.

Implement changes & commit

Once you have the inspectIT source code via git available on your local machine, you can start coding and implementing changes. We advise that you check the Development Environment page in order to correctly setup the development environment. Please develop code thinking on Quality.

Your changes should be contained in only a few commits (and most of the time we appreciate if it is only one) as intermediate states of your developed features or bug fixes are not needed in the central repository. 

The commit message should be prefixed with a link to the JIRA ticket the work was done for. The message should always be in the format:

INSPECTIT-xxx: Description of the changes 

It is allowed to address two or more tickets with one commit. If this is the case, then please use the following format of the commit message:

INSPECTIT-xxx, INSPECTIT-yyy: Description of the changes  

Check that the build is working

When you have finished implementing the changes it's advised to do a final check prior to pushing the code. This can be easily done by executing the build on the Project you have been working on. In most cases it's enough to run:

ant clean functional-tests static-analysis

This would build the project (with your changes) and execute functional testing and static code analysis checks. You must make sure that no step of this ant build is failing and that build can be completed successfully. Basically if this runs through you know that all static code analysis and functional tests succeeded. 

Note that each component (so even Commons and CommonsCS) does have a build file!

Create a pull request

When everything is set, you can push the branch containing the changes to your previously forked repository. If you followed all the steps from this page, this remote repository should be named after your username:

git push <username> BRANCH_WITH_THE_CHANGES

Once you pushed the branch, you can make a pull request on the GitHub. Please go to the forked repository page and click on Branches. There you will have a possibility to create a Pull Request for each branch that you have on your forked repository:

Once you have selected correct branch, you will be guided to the compare and confirm page. Please make sure that the base fork is  inspectIT/inspectIT and base branch is master (this should be set by default). Fill in the title of the pull request and description of the changes you performed (optional) and execute the Create pull request action. It is not necessary to add lots of text to the pull request as this information should be available already in the JIRA ticketing.

Label the pull request

only applicable if you are NovaTec student or employee, else just skip this.

Label the pull request with the label "Comments only in Reviewable". This ensures that internal comments on pull requests are only available on reviewable but not pushed to GitHub.