Setup longterm database

Official influxDB documentation

The official influxDB documentation is located on


Navigate to and download latest version.

Startup and Shutdown

InfluxDB runs as a service. Start the database by

sudo service influxdb start


Database Creation

We use the database called "inspectit". You do not have to create it as the CMR monitoring will create the database if it is not available.

Disable Reporting

As of version 0.7.1, InfluxDB reports anonymous data once every 24 hours to To minimize our bandwidth usage, we will disable this reporting. Find the file /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf. Change the property reporting-disabled to true.

reporting-disabled = true 

Admin Web-Interface

InfluxDB provides an admin web-interface which is disabled by default. It can be enabled by setting the following configuration parameter:

	https-enabled = true

Enable Authentication

By default, InfluxDB allows full access to the system for all (anonymous) users.

The process of enabling the authentication can be found in the official InfluxDB documentation:

Enable SSL Connection

By default, inspectIT uses an HTTP connection to influxDB. If you would like to secure the connection with SSL, you need to enables this in the influxDB configuration. Therefore, you need to specify the following configuration properties. For more details please refer to the documentation of influxDB:

# Determines whether HTTPS is enabled.
  https-enabled = true
# The SSL certificate to use when HTTPS is enabled.
  https-certificate = "<bundled-certificate-file>.pem"
# Use a separate private key location.
  https-private-key = "<bundled-certificate-file>.pem"

Verify the installation

On a successful start, the service manager script will provide the following output.

Setting ulimit -n 65536
Starting the process influxdb [ OK ]
influxdb process was started [ OK ]

Please also navigate to http://[yourserver]:8083 and verify that you see the web-based view of influxDB.

Point inspectIT to your influxDB instance

Once you have influxDB running, you need to setup inspectIT and point to the database you want to write data to. Please check Long-term Data Persistence Configuration for short instructions on how to do that.Â