inspectIT 1.0 Release Notes

inspectIT 1.0 Release Notes

Ticket Links are only visible to Novatec employees

Please note that the ticket links are only visible to Novatec employees

The release 1.0 was aimed at integrating the new platform and migrating NovaSpy to inspectIT. In addition the build and release process was optimized and heavy integrated with the tool suite. Note that previous releases were provided on a different environment which we disabled a while ago, so only information starting from version 1.0 is available

New Feature


  • [INSPECTIT-25] - License file should contain inspectIT as name
  • [INSPECTIT-72] - Self instrumentation of inspectIT should not occur
  • [INSPECTIT-74] - Exception Tracer can cause SQL exception as the length of the parameters is not checked
  • [INSPECTIT-86] - Gathered Exceptions are sometimes "overwritten" in the UI
  • [INSPECTIT-87] - Platform Sensor: If values are too big, then DB exception is thrown
  • [INSPECTIT-95] - inspectit agent and cmr cannot communicate due to different RMI names
  • [INSPECTIT-96] - CMR database configuration create-update is not supported, should be changed to "update"
  • [INSPECTIT-119] - Dowloaded Ivy jar is not found during the ant build process
  • [INSPECTIT-124] - inspectIT/CMR/Agent Build via Eclipse/Ivy container has incorrect .classpath
  • [INSPECTIT-125] - Integrate valid licence and public cert store
  • [INSPECTIT-127] - License manager fails if output folder is not available
  • [INSPECTIT-129] - Workaround: Temporarily remove failing tests in AgentTest and inspectIT until they are corrected
  • [INSPECTIT-134] - CPU duration exceeds total duration of a method within an invocation sequence
  • [INSPECTIT-136] - Release Job does not publish the artifacts
  • [INSPECTIT-141] - CPU Information platform sensor is adding process CPU time up
  • [INSPECTIT-143] - Ant Buildfile does not include agent5.0 instrumented classes during test invocation
  • [INSPECTIT-145] - inspectIT start from Eclipse is not working
  • [INSPECTIT-147] - java.util.EmptyStackException while storing invocation sequences (file-based storage)
  • [INSPECTIT-151] - ExceptionTracingHookTest is missing in TestNG Suite definition


  • [INSPECTIT-128] - Licence generation should provide better output

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