Logging settings

Logging settings

from version 1.5

The inspectIT uses the Logback as the logging framework. This page describes the possibilities a user has to control the logging output of inspectIT components.

Default configuration

Each project defines the default logging configuration in the [ROOT]/logging-config.xml file. This is the default configuration that will be used. This file can be changed by the user to enable/disable different levels of logging for different components.

By default the inspectIT components log on the INFO level, while the 3rd party libraries are configured to log only the ERROR level.

Log files

By default all the files created by the logging are placed in the [ROOT]/logs folder. Note that in case of the Agent, root folder is considered to be one where inspectit-agent.jar is located. Here is the overview of the files created and their content:

FileContentRollover policyMax file sizeMax history
logs/cmr.logContains the same output as the console.Daily20MB30 days
logs/exceptions.logContains only the exceptions that were logged.Daily20MB30 days
logs/statistic.logContains the CMR usage and health statistics.Daily20MB30 days
inspectIT UI
logs/inspectit.logContains the same output as the console.Daily20MB30 days
logs/exceptions.logContains only the exceptions that were logged.Daily20MB30 days
logs/agent_name/agent.logContains the same output as the console but only related to inspectIT Agent. This file can contain more information than the ones outputted to console.Daily20MB30 days
logs/agent_name/exceptions.logContains only the exceptions that were logged only by inspectIT Agent.Daily20MB30 days

Agent logs are additionally organized in sub-folders named as the Agent name in the configuration. This is done in order to correctly separate logs from different Agents that might point to the same inspectit-agent.jar file.

These files can be deleted at any time if you want to save the hard disc space.

Pointing to external log configuration file

It is also possible to point to the external log configuration file custom defined by the user. This can be done by defining the -Dinspectit.logging.config property that will point to the file. For example:


Please note that the file must contain a valid Logback configuration.

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