Installation in Docker containers

Installation in Docker containers

If your application runs in a Docker container and uses the images from Docker Hub, you can pull preconfigured images with inspectIT from Docker Hub.

Modification in Dockerfile

Installing inspectIT means only to change the FROM image:

For Glassfish: FROM glassfish becomes FROM inspectit/glassfish
For Tomcat: FROM tomcat becomes FROM inspectit/tomcat
For Jetty: FROM jetty becomes FROM inspectit/jetty
For JBoss ? (?=5, 6 or 7): FROM tutum/jboss:as? becomes FROM inspectit/jboss:?

All inspectIT images are based on the latest version of the base image, if you need another specific version, you can build the image yourself, please checkout the corresponding repository from GitHub.


For further information please refer to our documentation at Docker: