Working with the System resources view

Working with the System resources view


The system sensors provide information about the system the application under diagnosis is running on. System sensors are platform based sensor types and thus only needs to be configured.


Platform Sensor



Class Loading

This sensor collects informations about the loaded classes within the system:

  • Current classes loaded: Number of classes currently loaded into memory.
  • Total classes loaded: Total number of classes loaded into memory since the Java VM started, including those that have subsequently been unloaded.
  • Total classes unloaded: Number of classes unloaded from memory since the Java VM started.


This sensor collects informations about heap and physical memory. Note that the memory sensor only provides information about the memory spent within the Java VM and does not provide information about the memory being spent by the system with other processes.

The following heap memory information is gathered:

  • Current heap size: Number of kilobytes currently occupied by the heap.
  • Current non heap size: Number of kilobytes for non-heap memory usage of the virtual machine.
  • Committed heap memory: Amount of memory that is guaranteed to be available for heap memory usage.
  • Committed non heap memory: Amount of memory that is guaranteed to be available for non heap memory usage.Additional information:
  • Free physical memory: Amount of free physical memory.
  • Free Swap Space: Amount of free swap space.
  • Committed virtual memory size: Amount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process.


The CPU sensor type measures the current CPU usage and the process CPU time of the application.

  • Process Cpu Time: Total amount of CPU time that the Java VM has consumed since it was started. Note: The CPU usage is calculated based on the process CPU time. This is the CPU usage of the current virtual machine.


The thread sensor type measures the current thread count, peak threads, daemon threads and the amount of total started threads within the application:

  • Live threads: Current number of live daemon threads plus non-daemon threads.
  • Peak: Highest number of live threads since Java VM started.
  • Daemon threads: Current number of live daemon threads.
  • Total threads started: Total number of threads started since Java VM started, including daemon, non-daemon, and terminated threads.


This sensor collects static informations about the system:

  • Amount of time since the virtual machine was started
  • General information about the used JRE/JVM
  • Amount of time that was needed for compilation
  • Total physical memory: Amount of total physical memory of the underlying system.
  • Total Swap Space: Amount of total swap space of the underlying system.
  • Available processors: The number of available processors to the virtual machine.
  • Architecture: The architecture of the underlying system.
  • OS Name: The operating system name.
  • OS Version: The operating system version:
  • Jit Compiler Name: The name of the Just-In-Time Compiler.
  • VM Vendor: The vendor of the virtual machine.
  • VM Name: The name of the virtual machine.
  • VM Version: The version of the virtual machine.
  • VM Specification Name: The specification name.
  • Init heap memory size: The initial amount of memory that the VM requests from the OS for heap memory management.
  • Max heap memory size: The maximum amount for heap memory management.
  • Init non-heap memory size: The initial amount of memory that the VM requests from the OS for non-heap memory management.
  • Max non-heap memory size: The maximum amount for non-heap memory management.
  • VM arguments: The input arguments the application passed to the Java VM, not including the arguments to the main method.
  • Class path: The class path that is used by the system class loader to search for class files.
  • Library path: The list of paths to search when loading libraries.
  • Boot class path: The boot class path is used by the bootstrap class loader to search for class files.
    Note that the information of the system and runtime are combined within one view

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