UI Basics

UI Basics

This chapter provides information about the usage of the user interface of inspectIT.

1. Overview

The inspectIT user interface provides the user with all analysis options based on the gathered measurement data.

On the left-hand side, a navigation panel is provided. On the right hand side is the analysis area (currently showing all invocation sequences)

Use F5 for refreshing the view

All views in inspectIT user interface can easily be refreshed by pressing the F5 on your keyboard.

2. Navigation panel

The navigation panel is initially located at the left hand side of the inspectIT user interface. On this panel you see all CMRs the user interface is currently connected to. After having selected a CMR all agents are listed that already reported data to this CMR. After selecting an agent you can use the different analysis functionalitites:

3. Analysis panel

The analysis panel is located at the right hand side. This section is used to present the analysis views.

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