Installation Weblogic
Installation Weblogic
This page provides information on how inspectIT can be used with the Weblogic application server.
Prefer Sun JDK to jRockIt
If possible use Sun JDK for Weblogic as inspectIT works better with this JVM realization.
Weblogic provides the file setDomainEnv.sh to set the environment for starting up Weblogic. inspectIT can be easily integrated within this file. A best practice is to define variables holding the references to the inspectIT installation and configuration folders.
set INSPECTIT_AGENT_HOME="[path-to-inspectit-agent]" export INSPECTIT_AGENT_HOME set INSPECTIT_CONFIG_HOME="$[path-to-config-folder]" export INSPECTIT_CONFIG_HOME set INSPECTIT_JAVA_OPTS="-Xbootclasspath/p:${INSPECTIT_AGENT_HOME}/inspectit-agent.jar -javaagent:${INSPECTIT_AGENT_HOME}/inspectit-agent.jar -Dinspectit.config=${INSPECTIT_CONFIG_HOME}" export INSPECTIT_JAVA_OPTS # integrate inspectit java options with the java options of weblogic set JAVA_OPTIONS="${INSPECTIT_JAVA_OPTS} ${JAVA_OPTIONS}"
, multiple selections available,