Agent Configuration

Agent Configuration

Agent configuration is based on a configuration file

The agent is configured by a simple configuration file. Within this configuration file settings like the Agent name, the CMR location and the sensors to be integrated are defined. This file is the most important piece of configuration within inspectIT as it allows the user to define what information will later be provided in the graphical user interface. The configuration file must be called inspectit-agent.cfg.

The location of this file is specified as JVM property during the startup of the application. More information is found in the Installation Guide. Lines starting with # are ignored.

Brief overview of the configuration elements

The following table describes the possible configuration settings of the agent configuration at a glance. For more details, please navigate to the detail pages. The ordering of the configuration elements is completely free. Best practice is to define the global settings and sensor type definitions at the top of the configuration file. It is also possible to use multiple configuration files to make the configuration better readable.





The repository setting defines the location of the CMR the data should be sent to.

repository IP port agentname

Sending strategy

Definition of the strategy used to send data to the CMR

send-strategy strategy options

Buffer strategy

Definition of the strategy used to buffer data to be sent to the CMR

buffer-strategy strategy

Sensor type definition

Definition of the sensor types (used for platform and method sensors)

method-sensor-type fqn options

Sensor assignment

Assignment of sensor types to methods. This is the most important part of the configuration

sensor sensorname class method options

Sample configuration and Sample projects

This documentation also provides a Sample configuration file and complete Sample projects that provide hands-on information about possible agent configuration.

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