Ticket types and severity

Clear definition of the priority that bugs can have:

HighestProblem that makes inspectIT as a whole (or very large parts) not useable
HighProblem that makes one feature of inspectIT not useable
MediumWe do not use this, in order to separate clearer and force us to make the separation
LowProblem that makes part of a feature in certain situations not useable, perhaps workaround is available
LowestSmall problem, whose fix would make things easier

Clear separation of internal and external tickets

We do a clear separation in the ticket types. We have internal features/improvements and external features/improvements that are usable for the enduser.

TypeInternal / ExternalDescriptionExamples
BugExternalan error, flaw, failure, or fault in an inspectIT feature that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways 
FeatureExternalNew feature or extension of a feature that the end user can see and useCharting of webbased requests, Download speed in buffer, Structural improvement of the buffer, new communication protocol
EpicExternalSignature feature, usually with big efforts. Epics are planned during Release planningConfiguration interface, Business Transactions
Internal FeatureInternal

New functionality/technology or improvements that help our process or internal structures, that the end user does not see. Choose Internal Feature over Task if the change needs an integration as tasks are not possible to be integrated.

improvement in ANT build, new version of checkstyle
TaskInternalInternal without code (no merge)Update Confluence Documentation, Perform performance checks or explorative testing
Sub-TaskInternalInternal without code (no merge) as a subtask of another ticket 
Sub-FeatureInternalSub Entity that can itself be integrated 

Clear and understandable ticket name for "external" tickets

All external features will have to have a understandable ticket name, that describes the improvement from the view of an enduser. Bugs are also end-user "features" and thus also needs understandable ticket names. Understandable means that a user of inspectIT can understand what this new feature offers

Examples: "Charting of metrics of webbased requests", "Download speed when transfering buffers is shown"

  • Describe what the needs-reworks label means
  • Describe what the signature label means --> signature feature used in roadmap planning