Storage configuration

Storage configuration

since version 1.4

Updating the CMR properties

 Please read the general information on updating the CMR properties first on the CMR Configuration page.

Only for advanced users

Changing the properties in the storage configuration file that are not mentioned in this article is discouraged. If you are not advanced user, please do not change the default values.

Storage folder

By default the folder where all storage data resisting on one CMR will be saved is path_to_CMR_root_folder/storage. This can be changed by altering the default configuration file located in [CMR]/config/default.xml

<string-property name="Default Storage Folder" default-value="newStorageFolder" server-restart-required="true" logical-name="storage.storageDefaultFolder" advanced="false" description="The name of the folder where all storage related data will be saved.">

Note that the path given will be relative to the path_to_CMR_root_folder. You can also specify the absolute folder path if this is needed.

Maximum number of opened channels

CMR uses the FileChannel class to write data to a file. When this channel is open it is reserving one socket connection. Since, some systems can have limited numbers of socket connections that can be open at the single moment, it is possible to change the number of maximum opened file channels at single point of time.

<long-property name="Max Channels Opened" default-value="128" server-restart-required="false" logical-name="storage.maxWriteChannelsOpened" advanced="true" description="Maximum number of File channels that will be opened at a single moment. Note that some operating system are limiting the number of opened channels by single JVM.">

This will set the max number of opened channels to 128. Note that the higher number of open channels will reduce the overhead needed for channels closing/opening, and if there are no system limitations the default value should not be decreased.

Hard-drive space occupancy

It is possible to define how much hard drive space can be maximally occupied by the storage data on the machine where CMR runs. Note that the default value is -1, and this means that no limit is set. Any positive value will set the limit to the specified amount of bytes:

<byte-property name="Max Hard Drive Occupancy" default-value="500MB" server-restart-required="false" logical-name="storage.maxHardDriveOccupancy" advanced="false" description="Amount of bytes that CMR can occupy on the Hard drive for the storage data. Negative values define no limit, thus all available space will be used.">

It is possible to update two other properties:

  • storage.warnHardDriveByteLeft - define amount of bytes when user should be warned that space left is low (default: 1GB)

  • storage.stopWriteHardDriveBytesLeft - define amount of bytes when no writing will be allowed any more (default: 100MB)


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