Current Approach

  1. Export Space as XML files (Space Tools → Content Tools → Export)

  2. Open the entities.xml file in the exported folder
    1. replace all occurences of the old space key with the new one (for example: DOC16 → DOC17)
    2. replace all lowercase keys (for exmplae: doc16 → doc17)
  3. Open the file → replace the space key (for example: DOC16 → DOC17)
  4. Zip the contents of the modified export folder
  5. Upload the Zip file to WebDav (
  6. Import Space from WebDav (General Configuration → Import Spaces)

Old Approach (Does not work anymore)

Copy Space is available at the Overview page of the space.

Sometimes the copy space fails. Here is a list to check 

  1. Ensure that the space you want to copy provides permission to the group "Copy Space Group"
  2. Check that there are no restricted pages, that this group cannot read
  3. Read the log error, sometimes stuff like a German umlaut is a problem.