Initial: internal jenkins server at novatec
We use the Bamboo Cloud together with Amazon EC2 instances, sponsored by NovaTec GmbH.
Amazon EC2 credentials
As discussed by Stefan Siegl with technical administration of NovaTec GmbH we will have our own AWS account that is only used for inspectIT. Logindata is only known to technical administration of NovaTec, we only include the keys in Bamboo.
Amazon EC2 usage
As discussed by Stefan Siegl with technical administration, there will be three thresholds reg. EC2 costs: 150, 250 and 500€. Stefan Siegl and Patrice Bouillet will be informed by technical administration as soon as these thresholds are reached.
Meaningful usage of EC2 in Bamboo
- We automatically shutdown EC2 instances in Bamboo after the builds are run (you can also shut the instances down manually)
- We configure to use spot instances whenever possible for building things.
This said, if we see that we need more power or cannot wait for spot instances, it is absolutely fine to change the configuration.