Info |
If you are a NovaTec student or employee, please see Internal development process |
In order to develop code for the inspectIT a contributor needs to apply the following development process:
Table of Contents |
GitHub Setup
A prerequisite to work on inspectIT is that a contributor needs to have a working GitHub account. Please use the page to create an account if you don't have one.
Once the account has been created, you should create a SSH key that you will use on the GitHub. Detailed information on creating the key can be found at
Fork inspectIT project on the GitHub
First thing a contributor need to do is fork the official inspectIT repository on the GitHub. Each contributor of inspectIT has his own forked repository that serves for pushing the code changes a contributor developed. The official inspectIT repository is located at In the top right corner you will see the ability to fork the repository. Note that you must have a user on GitHub and be logged-in to perform this action.
Use oomph installer to get the source code
After the fork has been created, a contributor should create setup a local clone of the new forked repositorydevelopment environment. This can be done by executinggoing through the steps described for the oomph installation: Development Environment
After this is finished, add your own forked repository as a new remote to your local git repository:
Code Block |
git remote add clone<username><username>/inspectIT.git |
Note that username should be replaced with your correct user-name from GitHub account. You can also copy the SSH clone URL from the forked repository page:
addition to creating a local clone of the forked repository, we highly advise to add the inspectIT main repository as remote to your local git clone. This way a contributor can follow the advancing of the inspectIT master branch and update the work accordingly. Adding the remote can be done with (note that inspectit_main can be changed if you wish)To keep your local copy up-to-date, you're advised to fetch remote changes as often as possible to rebase your personal work on top of it:
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git remotefetch origin addgit inspectit_main |
Implement changes
Ones you have the inspectIT source code via git available on your local machine, you can start coding and implementing changes. We advise that you check the Development Environment page in order to correctly setup the development environment. Please develop code thinking on the Quality.
Check that the build is working
When you have finished implementing the changes it's advised to do a final check prior to pushing the code. This can be easily done by executing the build on the Project you have been working on. In most cases it's enough to run:
Code Block |
ant clean build functional-tests static-analysis |
This would build the project (with your changes) and execute functional testing and static code analysis checks. You must make sure that no step of this ant build is failing and that build can be completed successfully.
Create a pull request
When everything is set, you can push the branch containing the changes to your previously forked repository. If you followed all the steps from this page, this remote repository should be named origin in your local git:
Code Block |
git push origin BRANCH_WITH_THE_CHANGES |
Once you pushed the branch, you can make a pull request on the GitHub. Please go to the forked repository page and click on Branches. There you will have a possibility to create a Pull Request for each branch that you have on your forked repository:
Once you have selected correct branch, you will be guided to the compare and confirm page. Please make sure that the base fork is inspectIT/inspectIT and base branch is master (this should be set by default). Fill in the title of the pull request and description of the changes you performed (optional) and execute the Create pull request action.
rebase origin/stable |
To understand why we enforce rebase and do not allow any merge commits to appear please visit this blog post.
Info |
On the central repository, there are basically two branches: master and stable. The stable one is managed solely by our continuous integration server Jenkins after all checks are done on the master branch. Thus you should only care about the stable branch as this is the one we'll create releases from. |