- Invocation ID (Created with Singleton)
- JVM ID (For the assignment)
- Runnable ID
- Node ID
- CreationTimeStamp
- Parent Invocation Identifier
Implementation of RunnableStack for the Runnable Tracing
- The constructors of Runnable are instrumented so that each Runnable gets an ID.
- The RunnableMap, generates the ID and provides the mapping to its Runnable (registerRunnable()).
- The RunnableLocal uses the ID as key and stores the RunnableReflection..
- The RunnableReflection uses a ThreadLocal to identify the currently run Runnable. This happens in the run() method.
- (note)
- R1 R2 R3- Whrn R3 is created in constructor of R2. And R1 calls R2. Then is R1 the parent of R3 not R2.
- All with an currentRunnable variable that is handled properly.
- In the same way are the current InvocationIdentifier inherited. (This reduces overhead)
- Boolean indicating if it is the root node