- Instrumentation points knows what assignments are influencing - several problems
- we can not have a simple set as same assignments can be in different profiles, thus we need additional "key" (profile id or assignment id or simple count)
- properties of the assignments (like context capturing, etc) would have to be recalculated on the removal of one assignment
- good thing is that we could move all logic to the RSCs, so we can have smth like add/remove assignment
- bad thing is that this increases the size of the RSC in the memory
- problematic to deal with the id of the sensors and properties
Keep instrumentation points in assignments- this somehow feels now being good reletaed to the design
- difficulty to synchronize with changes via UI, because we care never getting the same instance
- Keep no track
- when assignment is removed, find all methods/classes influenced by this assignment, delete instrumentation points and re-analyze with the complete configuration
- no additional space to hold the MSA/ESA
- bit of overhead, but good if we can only reset directly the methods that where influenced
- no worry for the parameters and sensor ids, they will always be reseted
- Something else?!?